Thursday, September 29, 2016

Dare to Think Big!

By:  Kimberly Swanson "Purpoz", MS-Psy, CNA

Oftentimes, people think too small and limit their potential for growth.  It is good to remove any negative thoughts that were imposed or bestowed upon you from others also called introjection,a  psychological term .  It is important to learn to how believe in yourself and to realize your fullest potential.

Having self-love land knowing your worth is critical to taking charge and pursuing your purpose.  By envisioning your dreams and taking the first steps, you can empower yourself to take for first leaps.  Always remember that smaller steps that you make will eventually lead to you to bigger opportunities.

Dare to Think Big!!  What are you waiting for?:)

Copyright in 2016 by ©Messenger Publishing, Inc.

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Purpose Lies Within:  
A Motivational Book for the Heart & Soul

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Author Kimberly Purpoz

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Don't Give Up: New Opportunities Are On The Way

By:  Kimberly Swanson "Purpoz", MS - Psychology

Sometimes life can have many obstacles that can leave you feeling frustrated and wanting to give up.  But letting go of all of your dreams and ambitions can prevent you from reaching your fullest potential.  Oftentimes we focus too much on the smaller things and don’t look at the bigger picture.  Look at your life as whole and meditate over your situation.  Just take time out to breathe and to become clear.
Calmness brings clarity and peace in your life.  When you are at peace, you may stumble across the answer to your situation.  Sometimes these barriers are actually blessings in disguise. 

So don’t give up.  Hold on to your dreams because when one door closes eventually another one will open with even bigger opportunities that may be coming your way.  So hang in there and continue to believe!  Dare to Dream!  Continue to live your life on purpose!

Copyright in 2015 by ©Messenger Publishing, Inc.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2015


By: Kimberly Purpoz

Self-motivation is what empowers you to be the best that you can be and to go out and pursue your life dream.  When you have confidence in yourself, it can make a difference in many aspects of your life.  Motivation is like fuel that gives you the eternal fire and energy to continue; to keep going  even when you don't see where it is going to lead you.

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Copyright in 2015 by ©Messenger Publishing, Inc

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Moms Take Care of Yourself

This week's thought is about taking care of self.  I am a single mom with three kids and often time as a single mom, I forget to take good care of myself.  I am starting to see how important it is to take time for self and to  watch your health.  For years I have always put my kids and family first, but then there came a point in my life were I have to look out for my health and my well being as well.  How can you take care of family if you are sick?  You can't... So do what you need to do stay healthy and well.   Go to the doctors, eat right, and start exercising.   

So my thought to all of the mothers out there is to yes, love and take care of family but also realize that you need that special time too.  Don't forget yourself and to also remember to love yourself. Nourish your body and nourish your soul with love, peace, and yes, solitude.:)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Learning to Forgive

Sometimes people have hurt you in your life and it can leave an open wound.  It may not be a physical wound but a mental and spiritual wound.  Holding on to past hurt can cause the wound to continue to fester and linger.  Or even worse, the wound can spread and get bigger when you continue to allow the same type of abuse or by inflicting more harm to yourself than good.

Often time these mental wounds stems from past pain because we have not yet learned how to forgive and let go.  These hurts can come from  intimate relationships (e.g. husband, wife, boyfriend & girlfriend) or family (e.g.  mother, father, brother, sister, etc.), or friends and neighbors.  Holding on to grudges is not healthy.  Take the time to reflect, clear out, and meditate, and move forward. Forgiving is a process.  Knowing that these feelings are there and having the will power to change your thought patterns is the key to healing and moving forward.

Copyrighted 2013 by Kimberly Swanson (Messenger Publishing, Inc.) all rights reserved

Friday, May 3, 2013

No More Drama

Life can flow much easier with out the stumbling blocks that may come your way.  Do you wonder why drama comes your way?  Maybe you are surrounding yourself around negative people. Or perhaps you are holding on to old and bad habits that need to be broken.  What ever your dilemma may be in your life, you have to believe and become proactive in removing the drama, clutter in your life.  Make sure you take heed to it. What are you waiting for?  The time is now. Lets say no to drama and say yes to peace and serenity.

Copyrighted 2013 by Kimberly Swanson (Messenger Publishing, Inc.) all rights reserved